Life Defined

Thursday, August 11, 2011

NPR's "Top 100 Science Fiction, Fantasy Books"

Good Morning, World!

   As of today, NPR posted the results to its poll of the "Top 100 Science Fiction, Fantasy Books." Below you can find the link:

   Although this is in no way affirming which books are 'better' in regard to science fiction or fantasy, I found it interesting to see what the majority voted for. In fact, I think this post regarding the voting is important to keep in mind while scanning the results: 

   As the post mentions, there are several variables that account for why a book was not included on the list or why it may not have scored as well as one may have hoped, such as the technical aspect of science fiction versus fantasy, the relative 'popularity' of a book, or even the author being British or male. (Although - personally - I feel the latter holds little to no relevance. At least, for my voting it wouldn't matter at all!) But that's why I am curious for the response of others! Tell me how you would have at least selected your "Top 10." Which books would your choose? Which element would draw your vote? Feel free to comment! The more, the merrier~

Quote for the day: "It's a dangerous business, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no telling where you might be swept off to."
-Bilbo, The Lord of the Rings

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing how people vote for what are their favorites. I always find it hard to narrow down what books I like and why. It always changes with my mood.


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